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A round the world trip in more than 80 days.

Why this blog ?

Our aim : travel and discover the world during 353 days and through some fifhteen countries. We are hoping that this blog will allow us to share the experience with our family and friends thanks to the posts and photos that we will be publishing and also thanks to their comments.

Currently ...

now. For the moment, we are gently readapting from nomadic to sedentary life.


Get in contact with us

During our trip, you can get in contact with us by :
  • sending an e-mail either to our personal addresses or to,
  • leaving a message on +33145790317. This number is linked to answering machine service that we will consult often,
  • commenting the posts in this blog.
On top of that we will buy a pre-paid mobile phone card in each of the countries that we visit. We will publish the corresponding number in this site.


  1. Qader said...

    Hello Bea,

    Quite a lovely presentation of your trip through this blog, am enjoying each and every part of it. It seems that me too is visiting the places. Do keep updating the site and all the best for the rest of your journey.. well I know it has just started and more good stuff are yet to come.. and am eagarly waiting just like you would be at present.

    Enjoy to the fullest

  2. Anonymous said...

    Bea & Karim, Trying to post but keeps disappearing. Great photos. Enjoyed your accounts of India. It sure is a unique place. Glad you are having a fabulous time.
    Cheers, Mary & Dick R.

  3. Karim said...

    Thanks D&M for your comment.

    Take Care.

  4. Sapi Lucu said...

    olla...i'm checkin out your blog :)
    nice one, I have to ask you later how to make the map for itinerary, it's a nice idea, brilliant :P

    and oh I'm adding your blog url in my blog roll :)

  5. Karim said...

    Thanks Vari for your nice comment.

    For the map, I can show you, it very simple.


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